Who We Are as a Club
Jul 27, 2017
Club Assembly
Who We Are as a Club


This Club Assembly is the first one of the new Rotary Year.  We have a lot to cover, so please plan on attending this meeting, even if you don't always attend club meetings.  We have business to take care of and we want to make sure that all our members have a chance to become familiar with our bylaws and strategic plan, policies and procedures of this club.  We are members of an organization, and understanding these things is the first step in keeping our organization organized!

In addition to reviewing documents, the various Committee Chairs will be stationed around the room ready to discuss their plans for the coming year and display their committee needs for man power.  This will be a time to sign up to help the committee you would like to be a part of.  Do you want to plan service projects? Will you serve on the Casino Night Committee?  How about helping with PR?  Are you interested in helping with F.L.A.G. this year?  How about Snack Pak 4 Kids?  Can you help with the reboot year of the Reagan Interact Club by becoming a mentor?  There is a place for each of us.  Let's find yours.